Stray coyotes may saunter through many moon phases in solace. The sinewy form and tattered fur is telling of the vastness which it has traced it’s calloused paws, and the elements that its coat has endured. Hundreds of miles beyond the range of its origins, it may take with a gang of roamers. These packs contain members having crossed paths in similar occurrence in woodlands far from home, each sacrificing the comforts of familiarity for the freedom of wilderness.
Packs such as these vary in size, and intermittently house other transients. Visitors are not likely to stay, though have often purposefully voyaged outside of the boundaries of their pack in exploration, or in certain instances to maintain relations w/ one of the roamer collective. All members present, permanent or temporary, must negotiate the passing seasons with common resolve or risk excommunication.
The mob assesses all visitors together. Woodland skillsets are compared, and an individuals physical prowess is often fiercely challenged amidst the pathways and trees of the locals with leaps and bounds. Amidst the snarling a communal bounty is shared, and interactions showcasing previous experiences offered. Gatherings of this sort may further extend the range of the pack to include untrodden haunts in far off territories. Often in seasons following such encounters, several members will trek to meet the pack of a previous visitor.
Depending on particular genetic make-up, a coyote’s habit to roam may never be satiated. The similar behaviors of these transients scattered across the land offers evidence that this species may in fact be able to acquire the essentials for well-being simply via a shared nature of existence. Elders are capable of embarking on distant treks late in lifespan, though few come across the wilderness they inhabit.
This is one place. hush trails - AustinTX
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